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1 February 2024

Beheading and fires in Ka Lon


Ka Lon


Myanmar Witness geolocated footage of two of the three corpses in Ka Lon village and the burned buildings from the village



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Local media reported that SAC troops raided Ka Lon village in Khin-U township on the morning of 1 February 2024, allegedly arresting multiple locals and killing three of them. One of those killed, who was reportedly a muslim, was beheaded.

A pro-SAC telegram channel reported a different version of events. It claimed that around 0800 local time on the morning of 1 February, Myanmar military captured a PDF camp near the village and killed two PDFs.

Myanmar Witness geolocated footage of two of the three corpses in Ka Lon village and the burned buildings from the village.

Investigators also found supporting FIRMS data for a fire claim in the area on 1 February.

Although the pro-SAC telegram channel did not acknowledge the beheading, they did acknowledge that (at least) two people had been killed.

This coverage from pro-SAC channels followed a similar pattern to the beheadings in Pale township last year when pro-SAC channels admitted that deaths had occurred but played down the number of victims, did not mention the beheadings and made a (disputed) claim that all three of those killed were 'PDF terrorists'.

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